The Theory Of Everything, Discovering A Genius

The theory of everything, discovering a genius

Much has been said about the life of Stephen Hawking, his illness, his great sense of humor and his contributions to physics. The Theory of Everything  is a film directed by James Marsh in 2014, a film that tries to bring us closer to the more everyday and more human side of the British physicist. It is inspired by the work Traveling to infinity: my life with Stephen by Jane Hawking, Stephen’s first wife, an autobiographical work in which Jane recounts her years with Stephen Hawking.

The film was well received by critics and several Oscar nominations, although only Eddie Redmayne won the best actor award. It was not easy to take the film to the cinema, it was not easy to have the approval of Jane and Stephen, because it is a very personal story, in which extreme delicacy is needed. A very risky bet considering that the approval of the two protagonists is necessary.

Seeing the first version of the film, Stephen Hawking himself offered his signature voice for the film, praised Redmayne’s work and even got emotional. The theory of everything , far from becoming a drama, moves us, moves us and traps us; It brings us closer to the other side of the genius’ life, to a more bitter side, to that of a person who also makes mistakes and who possesses an exceptional sense of humor despite having lost the mobility of his body.

Sometimes, we idealize illustrious and world-famous characters, we think that their lives are very different from ours, that they never suffer, that they are perfect, that money gives everything … The theory of everything shows us the person behind the genius, in the good and in the bad, in the naturalness of his daily life; without neglecting Jane, who is an example of struggle, but above all, she reminds us of the importance of love, of loving despite obstacles.

After his death, much has been said about Hawking’s life and his scientific work, there is no doubt that he has been one of the great geniuses of the 20th and 21st centuries and will always be remembered. The theory of everything was a tribute in life, a beautiful portrait of that more familiar facet, a tribute to his wife, his children and also a gift for all the spectators.

The overcoming in The Theory of Everything

The film opens at a college party where a young Stephen Hawking meets his future wife, Jane. They both seem very different: he a scientist, she a letter; he atheist, she a believer, but very soon feelings will arise between them. Soon after, Stephen will begin to feel the first symptoms of a strange disease, which soon after would be diagnosed as motor neuron disease (related to ALS).

The diagnosis occurred when Hawking was just 21 years old, he was preparing his doctoral thesis and a bright future awaited him; but the doctors assured him that he would not live more than two years. For this reason, he decides to get away from Jane and hide the truth from her, although not for long.

Jane, discovering what happens to Stephen, decides to stay by his side, whatever happens and even if time seems to play against him. It is well known to this day that Stephen Hawking not only managed to overcome those two years of life that they predicted, but also, he has become an example of improvement and no wheelchair managed to stop the investigations of the British physicist.

Stephen Hawking and his wife

The film takes us to the suffering of the young Hawking, to the fear and initial denial when knowing the terrible diagnosis, to his internal struggle, to acceptance, to anger … We go through all the phases thanks to the magnificent interpretation of Eddie Redmayne, without leaving aside to the fundamental Jane, played by Felicity Jones. Against all odds, Jane and Stephen formed a family, had three children; he continued to dedicate his life to science and Jane, without any help, took care of everything else.

Jane’s sacrifice and devotion to Stephen is surprising, especially when he refuses to accept help, refusing to acknowledge that, in a home with three young children and a husband who can barely help her, Jane is frustrated. She leaves everything for him, for his family, she becomes the great support of the genius of physics.

The wonderful thing about The Theory of Everything  is that it not only praises Hawking’s figure, but also shows us his most human face and, above all, it becomes an applause for Jane, a bow to a woman who was capable of anything for love , an unstoppable fighter, whose work is the germ of the movie we are seeing. Overcoming is the key to the film, not only in Stephen, but also in Jane.

Stephen Hawing dancing

Life Lessons in The Theory of Everything

The theory of everything  is also a mirror, a reflection of reality, of that world in which we reward certain people for their work, but leave others aside for the same reason. On more than one occasion, it refers to the financial problems that Jane and Stephen had to face in their early days, something that, surely, we would never have thought of such a famous physicist.

The theory of everything shows us the origin, the provenance of this genius turned celebrity, reminding us that, unlike rock stars or elite athletes, many geniuses are not awarded, they do not achieve recognition until they reach an advanced age And, in many cases, having dedicated a life to research is not a guarantee of success or recognition.

The film reminds us of what is important, the values ​​that we must not lose, it reminds us that the vital thing is to have a reason, to maintain the fighting spirit despite adversity, it invites us to embrace our family, our friends, to embrace life. … Because we never know when the end will come.

Stephen Hawking with the actor who plays him in The Theory of Everything

Stephen and Jane believed that the clock was working against them, that Stephen’s life would turn off at any moment and, therefore, they chose to live against the clock, they chose to start a family as soon as possible, they chose to enjoy every moment, even if the path did not. it was not easy at all. And it is true that both ended up separating, but we do not see the separation as something tragic, but as a gesture of love for the other.

Jane had sacrificed everything for Stephen, by separating, it was Stephen who decided to take another course and, although the idea may seem crazy, selfish and irrational, the truth is that it is not. Jane had a second chance, a rebirth, still loving Stephen, but embarking on a new path.

I have to applaud Redmayne’s work once again, because playing Hawking and capturing his gestures can, without this being the objective, lead to the laughable, to an artificial and forced plane, however, nothing is further from reality; Redmayne achieves a poignant, natural, without artifice and totally believable Hawking.

The Theory of Everything  is a great way to remember Stephen Hawking, but also to remind ourselves that no one escapes death, to rescue that human side that we seem to have lost, to regain laughter, that faithful companion who never lost. Hawking; Life is endless adversity, obstacles, we are the ones who choose how we want to live it, how we want that path to be so that, in the end, it has been worth it.

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