3 Factors That End The Love Of A Couple

3 factors that end the love of a couple

The love between a man and a woman remains a mystery , despite the fact that it has been studied by scientists and analyzed by philosophers. Even so, there is already much greater clarity about the reasons why it arises. The factors that end a couple’s love are also better known.

The couple is much more unstable now than it was in the past. That has its pros and cons. The greatest freedom to make and break the bond that unites a man and a woman is a conquest against the hypocrisy or fatalism that reigned before. At the same time, the ability to cope with and avoid conflict has been reduced to a minimum. The result is that loneliness is gaining more and more prominence.

The ideal is to build pairs that remain. That they know how to abandon the whims of the first days and can move forward together, forming a solid bond. That is why it is necessary to examine those factors that kill couple love, so that we can intervene appropriately before this end comes.

1. Bad communication

Having good communication with your partner is not always finding new conversation topics or having entertaining talks all the time. The truth is, it is much simpler than that. It is enough to say, with respect , what one feels when it is born to do so. Bad communication, on the other hand, is a more complicated exercise. Lying, saving or mistreating will always be more difficult. It requires more physical energy and more emotional and intellectual effort.

couple arguing and symbolizing the factors that end the couple's love

One of the factors that kill couple love is adopting false communication patterns. Those in which you want to say one thing, but say another. Or those in which with the words you are expressing something, but with the gesture and the tone you transmit a different message. Also those patterns where the objective is not to communicate, but to manipulate.

Conversation in the couple is essential. The wounds caused by what is said sometimes never heal. To avoid that bad communication is one of the factors that end the love of a couple, the first thing is to have good communication with yourself. Understand what you feel, what you want and know how to express it.

2. The monotony

The theme of monotony is open to misunderstandings. Life, alone or as a couple, includes moments of tedium, of routines, sometimes uninteresting. Nobody, or in any case almost nobody, manages to live all the time as if they were at a party or going through a fabulous adventure. Boredom exists and it is possible that no one can escape from it in all its degrees, however interesting its existence may be.

That said, it should also be noted that sometimes we end up immersed in circumstances that visibly stagnate us. This leads to routines that are oppressive and from which it seems impossible to escape. Imperceptibly life becomes an eternal repetition of the same. There is no room for novelty or change.

It is that kind of monotony that ends with the love of a couple, so that the routine ends up desensitizing. This makes the feelings numb, first, and then fade away. In these cases, the probability of breaking the relationship or starting a parallel one increases.

Silent couple symbolizing the factors that end a couple's love

3. Overcoming falling in love (idealization)

In itself, this is not one of the factors that ends with the love of a couple. Rather, we are talking about a turning point in the relationship. In this critical time, the people who form it have to negotiate with the other and adapt so that the coexistence adds and does not become an agent that erodes the relationship.

Falling in love is that phase in which we are prey to an unusual enthusiasm and idealize the other. We lose our critical sense, depending on the intensity of the feeling. We do not see reality as it is, but we put a kaleidoscopic veil in front of our eyes. We speak of idealization, of love for an image that resembles the other but is not really the other.

After a more or less short time, this distortion usually disappears. That is when, if all goes well, affection and complicity become the strongest glue in the relationship. On the other hand, this is an omentum of many ruptures, since sometimes the disappointment when seeing reality is so great that the other goes from having no defect to having the most unbearable in the world. From this point, the relationship will be strengthened or broken.

That said, the factors that end the love affair are not only these. However, those mentioned are the most recurrent. It is worth reflecting on them and acting in time to improve the quality of our ties and achieve more stable relationships.

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