4 Necessary Poverties To Value Happiness

4 necessary poverties to value happiness


The idea that “being poor creates character” is something that most people say so that you don’t feel bad when you are going through a stage in your life in which your financial resources are not reaching the best level. But regardless of the many emotional pains it can alleviate, the truth is that this phrase has some truth.

When we are experiencing and living the opposite side of things, either negatively or positively, simply knowing that situation allows us to appreciate much more what we have.

For example, poverty can allow us to value what we do have in our day to day. By this I do not mean that we have to experience this situation in order to achieve fulfillment. But in part, all of us who have gone through it, in some way or another, whether on a material or emotional level, learn to value the true pillars of life and what we will always have or cannot be bought with money: love and our interior .

All of us have at some point gone through a lack of inspiration, love, friendship or compassion that has led us to make everything we have or what we want worthwhile , being able to feel fulfilled and happy without much more.


What are the 4 types of poverty that you must experience to live happiness?


1. Money shortage.  When we live without certain material privileges such as simple heating, we can learn to realize that it is possible to live without it, that it is not essential in our life and in this way we can allow ourselves to better understand those people who are not lucky enough to enjoy of those elements, valuing more our and its situation.

All this allows you to feel free, learn from other people and remove barriers that condition and enslave you.

It is true that people who have gone through some type of economic misery, have formed and constituted a stronger character, more human and tolerant of life. At the end of the day, your dreams are not bought: if you need money to make them come true, your mind will be so strong with that already existing desire that you will achieve the impossible. If you want you can.

It is better to be free and not have to be a slave to material elements that condition you.

2. Shortage of love. How can you know that you are in love if you have never experienced this lack before? How can you value such a precious feeling if you have never felt the loneliness of heartbreak? To value the sacredness of this world, love, it is necessary that people spend at least moments of solitude where they do not experience it. When you are feeling and experiencing it, you can be much more aware of such a gift.

Living without love at some point in our lives makes us strong and humbler. It is the kind of poverty that makes you richer in many ways, because when you have been alone you learn to find love anywhere, any action and to value other people in an extraordinary way.

When you have felt what it is like to live alone, you can turn that feeling of scarcity into a gift for your whole life.

Ivan the Terrible

3. Shortage of friends and personal relationships. How can you appreciate the company or comfort of your friends if you were never short of them?  If you have never been able to be on that opposite side, you would not know what it is to be without personal relationships, without support, without motivators, without other people’s joys, without wanting to share your happiness with them and life …

Those moments of loneliness so hard that many of us have had the “luck” to live will make you realize and appreciate even more that the encounters with your friends and relationships are unique, without price.

At the end of the day ” happiness is complete only if it is shared”.

The important thing about relationships and friendships is not quantity, but quality. Find people who support you in difficult moments and be able to enjoy with them full sincerity and trust. It is true that simply discovering that in another person can cost you a lifetime. But an ingredient in that quest that will pave the way is healthy personal humility and good judgment.

4. Lack of passion. The passion for life is one of the most beautiful ingredients, which in the moment that is not present in our days we feel with great pain in our hearts.

People without passion say they have felt empty inside, without dreams, without desires or goals that make them want to enjoy, share, discover, love … Without it, we go through this life as inert beings, constantly looking for something that fills us and stops that pain so deep we feel.

Human beings who have never felt this shortage have probably never been “alive” enough to go out into the world and search for something they are passionate about. It is also true that not all of us are born with a passion, just as we are not all born complete and equal.

That is why I invite you to go out into the world, explore, discover and find it. Experimenting and knowing many elements is the key . Traveling and visiting places where you would never have thought to go will fill you with energy and inspiration to discover yourself and continue expanding as a human being, leaving a piece of your heart for others and for life.

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