Reading As A Source Of Emotional Management In Children

The use of reading as a source of emotional management in children can be a very useful tool for their training in this field. We will talk about what books can be useful for this purpose and the ingredients that give them this nature.
Reading as a source of emotional management in children

Reading is a vital activity for the development of every human being. But, in the case of children, we can use reading as a source of emotional management, as a tool for children to learn to understand and manage their own emotional intelligence.

Reading goes far beyond deciphering letters. In addition to interpreting its meaning, it also allows the creation of neural networks, which gain in complexity as the child learns.

That is, while the child reads, he makes his brain perform an activity with more variables and details,  while interpreting messages that settle in his emotional memory. Hence, promoting the habit of good reading is vital as a tool for children to assimilate a good scale of values.

Girl reading for pleasure

Reading whatever emotional management

Parents, like the tutor or the teacher, are indispensable figures in the child’s learning. They are in the acquisition of formal or theoretical knowledge, but also in those that are more practical, such as emotional management.

According to experts, if parents fulfill the obligations that the little ones can already assume, it is likely that they will develop a certain feeling of inferiority, worthlessness and inability to do certain tasks that should be simple and routine.

This reinforcing detail of feeling of inferiority can keep the child in a certain sense of anxiety. Therefore, it is important that we stop and know how to show the little ones that they really are very capable.

How do we show children that they are useful and can help themselves safely? With excellent emotional management. Without a doubt, reading is a vital tool in this regard.

What books can be read?

Although any reading can be useful for a correct emotional management, the truth is that, if we choose certain works, we can better focus those readings so that their emotional intelligence grows in a sensible sense.

The stories and specialized works in philosophy for children and young people, in psychology for children, etc., are the most interesting readings at this point. In this way, they can enhance their personal skills and learn to channel their feelings, especially in difficult and transitional stages, such as between 6 and 8 years of age or during adolescence.

In fact, if we remember and look back in the past, any classic story hid within it a learning, which was always called a moral. Each of these pills of knowledge belongs “in a way to the world of philosophy.”

However, today we find many philosophy books focused on children. Written by philosophers specialized in the world of children and reviewed by educational psychologists and experts, they explore the world from the point of view of critical thinking to bring management and emotional intelligence closer together.

Boy reading on roof

What’s in children’s books for emotional management?

This type of reading usually tells beautiful stories in which its main characters live experiences that force them to make use of the interpretation of their emotions. As a result of this experience, the protagonists receive interesting practical lessons for managing their feelings.

Obviously, the lessons learned by the main characters in stories and books specialized in emotional management go from the pages of the work to the minds of the little ones, who receive a valuable lesson in this regard.

These same readings are also adapted to adolescents, since at this stage young people may feel somewhat lost while leaving behind their identity as children in the passage from childhood to adulthood. It is a vital phase in which children have to learn to understand and enhance their emotions and emotional intelligence.

In this way, young people are reinforced in their values. Thus, when they reach adolescence, they will already have a good emotional experience, along with tools that are useful to prolong it autonomously, and all thanks to the habit of reading works of special interest for them and for them.

Observe reading as a source of emotional management in children and take advantage of all the potential that books and children carry within to form full, happy and responsible people.

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