Can Distance Relationships Work?

Can long distance relationships work?

Long distance relationships can be very difficult for many couples. Love and distance are two concepts that almost never go hand in hand. And, when you start a relationship with someone, there always has to be a physical closeness, a need to be with the other person, to touch them, to feel and hug them.

However, if one of the parties has to separate from the other for work or personal reasons, in one way or another, the relationship is destined to change, to adapt to new circumstances. Here a great dilemma arises. Continue the relationship or refuse this change and end it.

And you? Do you think long distance relationships are complicated? Have you just lost your partner for a long time but still think you can fight for your love? So perfect. Here are some tips to help you keep your relationship alive despite the distance.

The return of one of the parties is necessary

Couple having a reunion

Sometimes it happens that one of the members of the couple is forced to move for professional or personal reasons. However, the item must have an “expiration date”. It does not matter if it is a month or a year, but the couple has to meet again after that time. In this way, passion and lost time can be recovered.

On the contrary, if that game is practically final, unfortunately the couple will not have much future. The only way to get it back is for the couple to get together and start a new life in another place. But, if both parties live permanently apart, sooner or later the flame of love will go out. Although this does not have to be the case, at least it is what happens in a majority of cases.

Long-distance relationships: Don’t get carried away by sadness or abandonment

If you have made the decision to continue with the relationship despite the distance, there is no choice but to accept the situation. So when you split up, try as much as possible to spend time with yourself and socialize with other people  besides your partner. In short, have more time for those hobbies that, for one reason or another, you could not do with your boyfriend / girlfriend.

In this way, you will not become an emotionally dependent person, and when he / she returns, you will be able to enjoy the reunion in a healthier and more intense way. Above all, you have to be patient with long-distance relationships and know how to adapt to the new situation as soon as possible.

Woman reading book in her room

Despite the distance, there must be communication

Separation itself does not mean that you stop talking to each other completely. In long-distance relationships, it is normal for there to be less contact. For this reason, it is very important that, as far as possible, a certain routine is followed when communicating (at the end of the day for example) to tell each other the little or big things that happen during the day. In this way it is achieved that the relationship does not get cold and falls into oblivion.

Likewise, it is also necessary to tell each other everything that bothers you related to the couple. And, the distance can cause the slightest problem to become the spark that finally ends the relationship. With the rise of the Internet, social networks and video conferencing, it is much easier to keep in touch with that person we love so much.

Man looking at mobile smiling

A study published in the Journal of Communication and carried out by researchers from the University of Hong Kong (China) and Cornell (USA) can help us adopt this positive attitude. According to their conclusions, long distance relationships can be more successful than conventional ones.

They are based on the fact that missing the other, increases our passion for him or her, and also favors that “intimate idealization” of the other, even when there are fewer daily interactions. Researchers attach great importance to new technologies,  since they consider it essential as a means of communication that allows maintaining the feeling of closeness and the success of the relationship.

In conclusion, always try to see the positive side of this new situation. And it is that, who knows? Perhaps the distance and the respective meeting, will later cause the relationship to become much stronger. Do you think this is possible?

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