9 Strategies To Stay In Control When Things Go Wrong

9 strategies to stay in control when things go wrong

It must have happened to you that, at a certain point, the gray clouds do not let you see the sky or that the storm will never allow you to enjoy the sun. As the saying goes “misfortunes do not come alone” and it is totally so, since they are accompanied by an unbearable, horrible feeling, that you do not wish it on anyone.

It is necessary to know that not “everything” is wrong. You have the affection of the people around you and the strength to get ahead. Even if you think you have lost it, your heart keeps beating and your brain, thinking, can therefore help you to overcome obstacles.

Losing your cool is the last thing you should do, because if you are relaxed it will be easier for you to keep a “cool head” and think about what is best for you.

Tips to stay in control in the worst moments

1 – Identify what are the signals that your body gives

When there is tension it is because the organism is offering warning signs. It is important that you pay attention to when your muscles are contracted. Or when your heart beats faster, your breathing is agitated or your body temperature rises and you perspire excessively.

Not all of us experience the same signs, so you need to recognize them as soon as they appear. Each of us can feel different bodily sensations, so an important factor is learning to know ourselves. Investigating our mind and our body represents a key element to recognize the signals that our body sends us when something is not going well.

2 – Breathe deeply

Knowing how to control your breath is vital to remain calm in any situation, especially when you feel that the world has fallen at your feet. Being under pressure, stress levels increase and that is why breathing is shallower.

This is because the body is preparing to flee or be attacked. Close your eyes and breathe very slowly. Hold the air in your lungs for five seconds and then blow it out, very slowly. Repeat this simple exercise as many times as necessary and little by little you will begin to notice changes in your body, you will feel more relieved.

Introducing the practice of mindfulness in your day to day, will help you maintain control when you feel that everything is getting out of hand. Through this technique you will learn to distance yourself from the automatic reaction caused by emotions and we will have power over ourselves. Without a doubt, it is a very important tool that will enable us to control those situations that tend to escape our control.

3 – Find things to do

When you have a problem, everything revolves around it and that is a very common mistake. In difficult situations, it is always better that the mind is occupied with other things. As much as you think about it over and over again, the only thing you will achieve is greater despair, worry, and depression.

Do whatever else you like, like listening to music, reading a book, watching a movie, going for ice cream, or watering the plants. The ideal is to learn to control the mind and that it does not control you. But if your mindfulness practice overwhelms you, then do some entertaining task. Find hobbies that grab your attention and evade you from the world and problems for a while.

9 strategies to stay in control when things go wrong

It is also good that you activate your body with a certain type of exercise, so the negative energy that you are accumulating is eliminated through movement. Try swimming, boxing, jumping rope, dancing, biking, or going for a walk. For nothing in the world should you stand idly by looking at the ceiling.

4 – Chew a gum

It may seem strange to you, but it is a very interesting technique to relax. What do people usually do when they are bored, depressed, or worried? Eat a lot. So if you don’t want to gorge yourself on everything in the fridge, chew on a sugar-free peppermint gum. This will give you satiety and help you reduce anxiety levels.

5 – Play

We could include this activity in point four, however, there is a caveat in this case. The idea is that you have fun like when you were a child, with someone who does not exceed five or seven years. who? It can be a son, a nephew, a godson, a brother, the son of a friend or a neighbor.

You have to pay attention to the way he unfolds in a park, how everything catches his attention, what things he laughs at … and imitate him as much as possible. After this activity, you will feel tired, it is true, but also full, in a good mood and happy. Above all, playing you will forget about your problems.


6 – have more sense of humor

Laugh at things that happen to you, even if others think you are crazy. Try to bring out the humorous side to the bad. It is not something simple, but it is not impossible either. Laugh at yourself daily. Humor is essential to transform negative situations into learning. What’s the use of being moody? Does the situation change? No. So, if on the contrary, we take it with humor, keeping control of any situation will be easier for us.

7 – take time

When your body is tense, your heart is racing. You cannot think clearly about what is happening and you want to act without analyzing the situations. Don’t pretend to answer internal questions or those of others at these times. Better take the time to think and then give an answer.

As Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh says: “Not talking already gives you considerable peace of mind. If you also offer yourself the deepest silence without thinking, you will discover in that stillness a wonderful clarity and freedom ” . The teacher recommends that to maintain control, the best we can do is take some time in silence. In this way, we will quiet our mind of negative thoughts and afflictive emotions.

8 – Talk to someone “outside”

When you think that maintaining control becomes a difficult task, talking to someone “outside” can be of great help. Either a therapist or a person who is not related to you or your particular problem. It has to be someone you feel good about but who is not steeped in the subject. An external point of view can help you find solutions that until now you have not imagined.

9 – Think about how others would act

If you admire someone, it may be a family member or a famous person, imagine how this person would come out of a situation similar to yours. How would you act? What would i think? What would you say? Do the same: act, think and say in a similar way.

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