7 Errors That Make Us Suffer

7 mistakes that make us suffer

How many times do you suffer? Life is not made to suffer for things that sometimes we should not. Moreover, we should eliminate all those errors that make us suffer uselessly.

In the life that surrounds us we see only negativity, every failure is bad, every mistake is bad and we are continually in a search for happiness that never seems to come …

Today you will recognize yourself in 7 mistakes that, surely, you make and that make you suffer uselessly. Are you ready to open your eyes? Discover and eliminate these mistakes that make you suffer every day. Ahead!

1. “Turning” the past

man in stone circle

Sometimes we can’t help it and we think about something that has happened in the past, removing it and reliving it in our present. This can be positive if it is to analyze our behavior in the present. Are we acting the same way? Do we change what we did wrong?

What we cannot do is blame ourselves or get frustrated for not being able to go back in time and solve what has hurt us, because it has already happened! As long as we learn from our past we can go back to it, but be careful! Because maybe you are revolving in the suffering it has caused you.

2. Don’t accept the inevitable

There are many “unavoidable” situations that will happen throughout our lives, but can we avoid them? No, so don’t waste energy trying to avoid something that will happen no matter what. Illness and death are the hardest facts to accept. But by not accepting this fact we are not helping at all, quite the opposite.

We must accept what we cannot change, what happens because this has been the case and try to help, overcome and advance. Think that there are many things in this life that cannot be chosen and that we certainly accept, for example, our family.

3. Believe that we know everything

It is important to admit that we do not know everything, that we will not always be in possession of the truth and that we can be wrong. Making mistakes implies learning, making mistakes leads to progress ; So don’t think that believing that you know everything makes you a better person, a person whose intelligence is superior, because you don’t.

The only thing this can lead to is turning us into obnoxious, hateful and stupid beings who defend a truth that only exists in our minds. Having as a consequence sometimes the rejection of others.

4. Not trusting ourselves

girl surrounded by fantasy

Insecurity is something that many people have to deal with every day. They distrust themselves, doubt everything and are unable to make decisions. The result of not trusting oneself generates that we place this trust in others. For example, a friend or family member will have any solution, but never by ourselves.

5. Blaming others

There are people who always try to blame others. You have probably been affected and, perhaps, you do the same to receive that from others. This attitude frees us from all responsibility, although over time it turns against us. It may work for us for a while. Running away from what we are guilty of, avoiding that mistake we have made, will cause us not to overcome obstacles.

Have confidence in yourself, accept your mistakes and learn from them. It is not bad to err, because it is human, what is negative is to blame others. Do not suffer when you see yourself alone, do not suffer when others question you, the fault is yours for blaming others. Everything will turn against you, learn to accept your mistakes.

6. Thinking tragically

On many occasions, we may turn to the worst. We have thoughts about something for which we do not see the end, there is no way out! If you think negatively, you will not be able to find the solution that there probably is. Your mind is powerful and everything you think like this will happen.

Everything has a solution, absolutely everything. It is not a question of repairing, but of looking ahead. If you can’t find it, if you find yourself so blinded that you can’t see it, talk to someone! You are not alone, do not limit yourself. The solutions are there, only sometimes you don’t see them!

7. Beware of drastic changes

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At certain times in our life, we adopt drastic solutions that seem to cost us nothing. This is something that we have learned and that we do unconsciously. If we find ourselves immersed in a problematic situation, we escape, we flee. A phrase that could summarize this very well is “cut to the chase”, just like that, without thinking about it.


Things have to be thought about because if not, those drastic solutions that we are adopting will probably be wrong or will arise again in the near future. What is it that makes you suffer? Find out and give it a solution today. Do not suffer uselessly, as this will take you further and further away from finding your own and full happiness.


Images courtesy of Shiori Matsumoto and Igor Morski

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