6 Phrases That Can Change Your Life

6 phrases that can change your life

The power of words is inestimable. Thanks to them you can experience emotions, longings and endless feelings. They are capable of making you laugh out loud and cry bitterly. They form phrases that can change your life, giving it a hitherto uncertain meaning.

There are phrases that end wars; others start them. Many of them determine the destiny of a person, sinking him in the mud or encouraging him to do his best. The latter are the ones that become the engine of the world. 

The phrases that can change your life are those that promote courage, honesty and nobility. They encourage you to give the best of yourself, not to forget who you are or what you want. They may seem banal at first, but they contain fundamental values ​​for the development of the human being.

1. No one can make you feel inferior

This ironic and apt phrase belongs to the American politician and writer Eleanor Roosevelt. As she herself said, no one has the power to make you feel inferior, unless you give it to them.  Don’t get trampled on by anyone. No person has the right to humiliate others and whoever does so shows very little education and respect for others. If you don’t allow hurtful comments to affect you, they will lose all their malicious power.

Blond haired woman looking back

2. There are people who make you feel lonely

Robin Williams is the architect of this sad appreciation. We currently live in a society in which we are sold that not having an ideal partner is synonymous with failure. We are made to believe that we need to be with another person, even if it makes us unhappy, because otherwise we are not complete. But it is completely false.

It is necessary to learn to be alone, because that way we can avoid emotional dependence and the consequent harmful relationships. Being with someone should be a matter of choice, never of necessity.

3. Being wrong always allows us to learn

Many people are unable to accept their mistakes. They believe that being wrong is weak, when it really is wise. Young children need to fall over and over again until they learn to walk. The same goes for adults. A mistake is also an opportunity. If you are not wrong, you have not tried. To advance it is necessary to learn to fall and accept defeat.

4. Loving yourself is necessary

Love yourself Love yourself as you would love the love of your life, because at the end of the day … it’s you. Oscar Wilde proclaimed that it is necessary to treat each other with respect and understanding. Take care of your body and your soul, and do not let anyone tell you that you are not worth it.

Loving yourself also means eliminating from your life those habits and people that only hurt you. Think that you have to ensure your well-being and what is not good, throw it away.

Woman hugging herself

5. Find what you love

This phrase by the writer Charles Bukowski is a hymn to motivation. Find something that you are passionate about, that makes you feel in love with life. Dive into it and do your best. Work hard at it and fall in love with what you are doing.

Don’t forget that obsessing is not good either. Feeling motivated by something is very beneficial, but there are other facets of your life that also require your attention, do not ignore them.

6. If you have no enemies

The last of the phrases that can change your life was said by Winston Churchill who knew that certain decisions could earn him many enemies. Still, he chose to act according to his principles, as he believed it to be the right thing to do.

Fight for what you consider necessary. There will be people who will encourage you and others who will not agree with you. Respect the latter, but do not allow them to infer your purposes if you consider them to be noble.

Self-esteem is the fundamental value that these phrases promote that can change your life. Love yourself and respect yourself, fight for what makes you happy and do not allow others to decide your life for you. The fight for happiness is not without failures, but the important thing is to keep walking. With which of these phrases that can change your life would you stay?


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