5 Emotions That Damage Parts Of Our Body

According to traditional Chinese medicine, a negative emotional disposition can seriously damage health. To say, however, that these findings have been confirmed by current science, in which research on health and emotion is in vogue.
5 emotions that damage parts of our body

According to Chinese medicine, each emotion is related to an organ and a function of the human body. The most common causes of the disease are negative attitudes and emotions such as guilt, resentment, the need for attention, and fear. Therefore, any emotional imbalance can be reflected in symptoms or diseases of these organs.

In fact, the disease is born to avoid unpleasant situations or to try to escape from them. Oriental medicine believes that all discomfort tells us, deep down, is that we should love each other. So by loving each other, we let our hearts run our lives and not our ego.

Emotions that can cause disease according to Chinese Medicine

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Following the perspective of Chinese Medicine, these are some emotions that can signal illnesses :

  • Sadness or Grief. It arises from disappointment, separation, or loss, and primarily affects the lungs. Sadness produces heaviness, shortness of breath, tiredness, and depression. It takes time to accept and express our emotions.
  • Caution. It arises from insecurity and tends to weaken the spleen. The precaution is related to diseases in the chest and shoulders.
  • Afraid.  Fear is associated with the kidneys, affecting the pit of the stomach and being related to kidney deficiency. These alterations come from the propensity to suffer irrational fears. The unaccepted fear is transferred causing liver and heart problems.
  • Terror. This is similar to fear, but it is more extreme, it is associated with physical and emotional problems. Terror can lead to memory loss, disorientation, palpitations, vertigo, tremors, sweating, and fainting.
  • Go to. It can take various forms, irritability, frustration, envy, and anger. Anger turns into headaches, neck pain, vertigo, and especially liver disease.

The emotional meaning of illnesses

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It is important to know the meaning of diseases because this is one of the ways in which our body expresses itself. All our emotions and thoughts are registered in cells. Therefore, illnesses are the manifestation that something is wrong.

The following compilation is a summary of the meaning of some of the most common diseases. All of them are based on both traditional Chinese medicine and other complementary oriental medicine.

  • Allergies. Its meaning indicates deep fears. Fear of shedding help when it comes to being self-reliant, trying to get compassion, support, and attention from others.
  • Depression. Meaning is found in the conflict between the ideal and the real, between who we are and who we want to be, and between what we have and what we want to have.
  • Arthritis. Feeling unable to adapt and be flexible mentally. It is interpreted as a lack of confidence and an uncompromising attitude towards life.
  • Obesity. Its meaning is found in the inner emptiness, food is used to compensate. Fear of exposing ourselves to others now 
  • Nervousness. Lack of contact with one’s inner self. Egocentrism, everything is seen from a subjective point of view. Living insecure with fear of being attacked and inability to get rid of selfish attitudes.

Emotions trigger or accentuate disease, but influence health

Happy woman, emotions

Emotions can trigger or accentuate a disease, but they can also turn the situation around, changing the disease for health.

For this to happen, you just have to know how to recognize the emotions that cause imbalances in our body and transform them. From Eastern medicine a special importance is given to the self-knowledge of emotions, something that Western psychology is beginning to take into account. The fact that we are putting it in value has to do with the fact that a complete treatment and that addresses the problem from different perspectives has a greater chance of being effective.

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