4 Keys To Sleep Better

4 keys to sleep better

Lack of sleep is one of the most common problems out there. Health problems, lack of time or simply poor sleep hygiene are often responsible. Fortunately, better sleep is possible, as long as we get involved.

Many people get used to using relaxation techniques to get rest. And although it is one of the most recommended activities to promote a state of calm and peace that induces us to sleep at night, not everyone is capable of achieving it. It is necessary to study each circumstance in a particular way and establish the solutions that best suit each of us. Hence, there are other methods and recommendations to fall asleep.

Why am I not sleeping well?

Seasonal alterations

Many people have trouble falling asleep as the seasons change. Temperature changes seem to have a lot to do with this, as do daylight hours.  In these circumstances, insomnia makes an appearance, becoming a recurring annoyance.

However, the change of season does not usually affect everyone in the same way. However, people who are affected usually rest normally after a couple of weeks. In the meantime, they must learn to relax and avoid becoming distressed by the situation.

Woman with insomnia

Anxiety and stress

High levels of anxiety and stress have a negative impact on the conciliation of sleep as well as on the feeling of rest, since we are in a situation of alert.

One way to manage anxiety and stress-related sleep problems is to relax, but how do you get there? Practicing meditation, breathing exercises or mindfulness is useful to reduce our states of worry. 

Anxiety continues to be a concern for future situations and stress a sign of overload. Now, since when has a problem been solved by constantly thinking about it? Does stress decrease when we use our rest minutes to keep turning the same thing or rather does it increase? No problem is forever, and almost everything has a solution, the point is that we cannot always get away with it.

However, if after a while we are the same or worse, the recommendation is to go to a specialist. Sometimes a little extra help is needed to deal with what we fear and worry about. 

Exposure to technology

It is proven that a technological overstimulation at night can cause negative effects on sleep cycles. One of the keys to sleeping better is to put aside everything that can excite our mind too much just the hours before we go to bed.

The best thing to do for those who don’t know what to do is read. The brain is not as exposed as with computers and mobiles, and it is much healthier. Get a good book and immerse yourself in a great story.

Man addicted to mobile

Keys to sleep better

Do sport

Playing sports is, in addition to being very healthy, a great way to exhaust yourself. After doing it, the body is more tired and just wants to relax. The same goes for the mind, which will receive the positive effects of the endorphins generated by exercise.

Establish schedules and routines

Establishing some routines and complying with them helps us to lead a more orderly life and not to confuse our body with the hours destined to sleep. For this reason, it is advisable to do a relaxing activity (such as listening to classical music, reading or meditating) before going to sleep and trying to do it always at the same time. Although it may seem like a triviality, many doctors use schedules and routines in children and the elderly to achieve very similar results.

Sleeping man

Say goodbye to caffeinated drinks

It is imperative to say goodbye to coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks or at least reduce your intake and try to drink these types of drinks in the morning. This will make it much easier to rest.

At night they are totally prohibited. Therefore, they can be replaced by juices, milk, valerian, herbal teas or even water.

Dispense with the nap

Many people are used to sleeping for a while after eating. Although it is very comforting, if you have sleep problems, it is best to try to do without it. In this way, at nightfall you will have much more sleep and there will be no problems to rest properly. 

As we can see, the keys to sleeping better are at our fingertips, but an essential requirement is needed: doing our part. Modifying some habits will cost us more in some cases than in others, but it will be worth it if in return we get a correct rest.


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