21 Phrases To Cope With Sadness And Stress

There are certain phrases that help us reflect and get the best of ourselves in difficult moments.
21 phrases to cope with sadness and stress

Our thoughts are activated quickly when we are in trouble. What we say to ourselves in these difficult times can motivate or sink us. Therefore, the phrases in this article can help you cope with sadness and stress.

When we are faced with any difficulty, our concern is activated and we get going. We began to dialogue with ourselves, trying to analyze the situation and seek the best solutions. This internal dialogue is made up of almost automatic thoughts that come to our aid.

It is important to be careful with the beliefs that we introduce in our mind, because they are the ones that will be activated like a spring in the critical moments. Internalizing certain key phrases will help us remember them and put them into practice more easily.

Phrases to deal with sadness and stress

1. There is no heavier burden than trying to control what others think of you.

2. Do it. And if you are afraid, do it with fear. 

3. The last of human freedoms is to choose our own attitude to any circumstance. (Viktor Frankl).

4. Banish the “I am like this” as justification for not changing. To a large extent you are what you decide to be.

5. If I asked you to name all the things you love in this world, how long would it take to say your name?

6. No amount of guilt changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. 

7. It’s okay if the other gets angry.

8. What you deny, submits you. What you accept transforms you. (Carl Jung).

9. You will begin to be free when you discover that the cage is made of thoughts.

10. Holding onto hate is like taking poison and waiting for the other to die.

11. Do not be angry if the other does not understand even though you explained a thousand times. He is not stupid, he is not bad, he is not indifferent. Is another one.

12. If you surround yourself with people who are light, you will see everything clearer.

13. Letting go hurts, but holding the unsustainable hurts more.

14. You’ve criticized yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try to accept yourself and see what happens. (Louise Hay).

15. The first step does not get you where you want to go, but it does get you from where you are.

16. Stop trying to calm the storm. Calm down, the storm will pass.

17. Happiness is not a station of arrival, but a way of traveling.

18. Don’t let anyone walk through your mind with dirty shoes. (Mahatma Ghandi).

19. People with problems do not go to therapy, we all have problems. Those who want to solve them go to therapy.

20. The greatest glory in life does not lie in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall (Nelson Mandela).

21. If you cry for not seeing the sunlight, the tears do not let you see the light of the stars (Rabindranath Tagore)

What do these phrases teach us?


In the broadest sense of the word. These phrases remind us that oneself should be their priority. That it is our duty to respect ourselves, set limits and distance ourselves from those who harm us. That self-care also consists of not listening to other people’s opinions or trying to please everyone.

They remind us that we are responsible to accept and heal our wounds, to change those parts of our personality that make us unhappy. To give us, in short, the opportunity to become the people we want to be.

Modify beliefs

Our mind can be our best friend or our greatest enemy. The way we interpret reality determines whether we are going to feel one way or another. That is why it is important to remember that we have power over our moods. That we cannot control everything that happens to us but we can control how to take it.


Acceptance implies assuming life as it is, it means accepting reality, with pleasant or unpleasant situations, without trying to change or combat what we cannot control.

Accepting implies tolerating and adapting. By practicing acceptance we will be better able to successfully overcome difficult life situations and advance our personal growth.

The first step to implement this strategy is to identify those unpleasant situations or circumstances in our life, in the face of which we cannot make any changes. Either because they do not depend on us, or because we have no control over them.

Be careful not to confuse acceptance with resignation or conformity. It is not about conforming to everything that we do not like or that causes us suffering, it is not really like that. What acceptance implies is that in the face of a reality that we cannot control, what practical sense does it have that we feel bad about it?

Overcome fear

We all have the right to fear and doubt. However, we cannot allow fear to condition our lives. We cannot settle for the hurts of the past and resign ourselves to reliving the pain over and over again. These phrases encourage us to stand up to fear. Well, when we do, he loses strength and we gain it.

It encourages us to fear, to see ourselves capable of anything. To stop defining ourselves and trying new experiences. And they encourage us, above all, to seek help if we are unable to do it alone. Life has no instruction manual and we have no obligation to know everything.

Asking for help does not make us weak. It makes us people with the courage to work to become their best version. In person willing to give their best, both for themselves and for the people they love.

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