17 Things About Children That Will Make You Smile

17 things about children that will make you smile

When I grow up, I want to be a girl again. I want to regain innocence, spontaneity and naturalness. I want my reasoning to bring smiles back to adults and I want to be able to make a lot of great moments out of a bad day.

I am sure that, after reading this article, you too will long for that feeling of tenderness that we are capable of feeling when we remember past times.

I love those devastating reasoning, that sense of justice, that transcendence, that ability to love, that way of forgiving and that ability to enjoy that children have.

In childhood curiosity rules

Today we bring you some wonderful phrases that have been compiled by El Hormiguero 3.0. Surely almost all of them make you smile or, at least, make you reflect on things that until now you thought were immovable …

1. Grandma, do you like to study? Because I don’t even like to SAY IT.

2. Lola was with her mother and aunt in a store. The girl had a pacifier and a woman told her: “So big and with a pacifier.” And Lola answered: “Do I mess with what older people put in their mouths?”

3. Celia wanted to play princess stories with her cousin, but he didn’t want to be a prince or a knight or anything, so she angrily told him: “Okay, be yourself and get bored.”


4. Daniela asked her aunt: “Is God in the clouds?” His aunt replied: “Yes, of course. God is in the clouds ”. Then the girl asked him: “And when are you going to come down to meet me?”

5. Eva’s father asked her: “Do you want me to start school?” The girl replied: “No. Because they give us homework and then they don’t pay us or anything ”.

6. One day someone asked Gonzalo: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The boy replied: “What I don’t want is to be people.”


7. So you’re an engineer and you don’t know how to make a bow …

8. Mom, what I don’t quite understand is why God collects the dead …

9. Mom, how long have we known each other?

10. No juice? Well, give me a rioja!

11.  Mom, when I was born, how did you know my name was Nicolás?

think children

 12.  -I want water

-The magic word?


13. While traveling, José asked his father: “ Dad, where am I going to die? “His father replied:” We don’t know that, why do you ask? ” To which the boy replied: “To never go.”

14. Martín’s mother told him one day that she liked his face a lot and he replied: “I give it to you, but I’ll keep it for you.”

15.  When his sister Sara was born, a friend of Roberto’s went to meet the girl. Then he said: “Come, look, you can touch it, it doesn’t bite.”

16. Yayo, I’m already kicking hard. I have lost my childhood.

17.  -Daniel, do not touch the dog that is scared with the rockets.

       -Mom, do I have a rocket face?

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